Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Death on a short leash

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Death on a short leash

Par :

Collection : A margaret spencer mystery

Editeur : Touchwood Editions

Numéro de produit : 9781926741550

ISBN : 9781926741550

4,99 $

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TouchWood Editions is proud to introduce the first female sleuth in our selection of mystery novels. Author Gwendolyn Southin uniquely blends the charm of gumshoe techniques with the fresh perspective of a developing female detective. The Margaret Spencer Mysteries offer action and suspense, with a human subtext.

Back in Vancouver, Maggie and Nat begin their next adventure at a cranberry bog where a veterinarian's assistant has been found dead. A long trail with a faint scent to follow, their victim's double-life leads them to a strip club, a bogus religious sect, and a nursing home with a dark underlying secret.

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