Librairies Boyer Ltée.
The morelli thing

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The morelli thing

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Editeur : Guernica Editions

Numéro de produit : 9781771830300

ISBN : 9781771830300

19,99 $

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After an old man with a dark past smashes the guitar of private investigator Eliot Conte's adopted child Angel, the man is mysteriously killed. The violence-prone Conte becomes the chief suspect. Angel, a gifted hacker, digs into the past of the old man only to discover a notorious cold case, the murder of Fred Morelli. The past unfolds under the skilled computer hands of Angel coupled with the coaxing of the Golden Boys, a group of neighborhood guys well along in years, long obsessed by the murder of their very own Italian-American Jay Gatsby, the owner of a long lost night spot, The Ace of Clubs.

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