Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Fanette (volume 2)

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Fanette (volume 2)

Par :

Editeur : O'Brennan Publications

Numéro de produit : 9780994895011

ISBN : 9780994895011

12,99 $

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Now a young woman of social standing, Fanette still holds out hope of finding her sister. One day, out of the blue, she receives a letter from Amanda and a mysterious request to meet in secret. But Amanda's troubled past catches up with her and ruins their reunion. A matter of revenge to which both sisters are inextricably linked, unbeknownst to them, proves to have unexpected repercussions. Journeying back in time, parallel to Fanette's story, the author recounts Amanda's tragic fate in this second book in the series. The characters in this unforgettable saga are endearing, enthralling and always engaging. This second instalment offers up an exciting and remarkably suspense-filled story, which is sure to keep you guessing until the very last page.

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