Librairies Boyer Ltée.
No. 22 pleasure city

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No. 22 pleasure city

Par :

Editeur : Guernica Editions

Numéro de produit : 9781771833103

ISBN : 9781771833103

9,95 $

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A Japanese detective agency in Midwest America; a sex triangle with the vampish Angela at its apex, and love-sick Pohl and lust-warped Burnett at the receiving ends; a Fat Man devouring a huge luncheon amidst the splendors of his garden; and has-been vixen Violet seeking justice and revenge. Just some of the elements of No. 22 Pleasure City, a novel that ranges in flavor between Japanese manga, pulp fiction and tongue-in-cheek pornography. The novel is a story of betrayal, obsession, rejection, friendship, and--ultimately--redemption.

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