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Macdonald hall #5: the zucchini warriors

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Macdonald hall #5: the zucchini warriors

Par :

Editeur : Scholastic Canada Ltd

Numéro de produit : 9781443128056

ISBN : 9781443128056

6,99 $

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Gordon Korman's classic, bestselling series celebrates its 35th anniversary!

Macdonald Hall's ivy-covered buildings have housed and educated many fine young Canadians. But Bruno Walton and Boots O'Neal are far from being fine young Canadians. The roommates and best friends are nothing but trouble! Together they've snuck out after lights-out, swapped flags, kidnapped mascots . . . and that's only the beginning.

Roommates Bruno and Boots find obstacles in their way as they attempt to lead the Macdonald Hall Zucchini Warriors to a victorious football season and earn the reward of a new recreation center.

Join two of Gordon Korman's most memorable characters in seven side-splitting, rip-roaring adventures! Macdonald Hall is the series that started it all, and thirty-five years later it remains a must-read for old fans and new, the young -- and the young at heart.

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