Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Christmas catastrophe (geronimo stilton special edition)

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Christmas catastrophe (geronimo stilton special edition)

Par :

Collection : Geronimo stilton special edition

Editeur : Scholastic Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9780545393652

ISBN : 9780545393652

6,99 $

Les livres numériques seront disponibles pour télécharger dès votre paiement effectué.

* Prix en dollar canadien. Taxes et livraison en sus.

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Enter the world of Geronimo Stilton, where another funny adventure is always right around the corner. Each book is a fast-paced adventure with lively art and a unique format kids 7-10 will love.Geronimo Stilton, adventuremouse? Not me! But surely a little skiing couldn't hurt a rodent, right? Wrong. Moldy mozzarella! When my ski trip landed me in the hospital, I was sure it was going to be the worst Christmas ever! But my family and friends had something else in mind. . . .

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