Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Karen's bunny trouble (baby-sitters little sister #83)

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Karen's bunny trouble (baby-sitters little sister #83)

Par :

Collection : Baby-sitters little sister

Editeur : Scholastic Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9781338060164

ISBN : 9781338060164

3,99 $

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* Prix en dollar canadien. Taxes et livraison en sus.

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From the bestselling author of the generation-defining series The Baby-sitters Club comes a series for a new generation!

Hippity hoppityKaren's grandmother is coming for a visit. She brings Karen and Andrew Easter baskets. Inside the baskets is a wonderful surprise-- real live bunnies. Karen and Andrew are very excited about the bunnies. But Mommy and Seth are not. They do not want any more pets. Plus the bunnies are troublemakers. They chew on everything. What can Karen do about the bunny trouble?

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