Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Summary: the answer

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Summary: the answer

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Editeur : Must Read Summaries

Numéro de produit : 9782511021552

ISBN : 9782511021552

5,99 $

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The must-read summary of John Assaraf and Murray Smith's book: "The Answer: Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life".

This complete summary of the ideas from John Assaraf and Murray Smith's book "The Answer" solves the question that almost everyone asks at some point in their life: "How can I access the unlimited abundance of the universe and become a "success" – whichever way I personally define that term?". In their book, the authors explain that learning how to focus your thoughts and maximising the power of your mind is essential to building your own business. You can then use that business to achieve your goals. This summary provides the key to changing your life and getting what you want.

Added-value of this summary:
• Save time
• Understand key concepts
• Expand your knowledge

To learn more, read "The Answer" and find out how you can change your life and devote yourself to achieving your goals.

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