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Summary of joshua m. brown's you weren't supposed to see that

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Summary of joshua m. brown's you weren't supposed to see that

Par : Slingshot Books

Editeur : Slingshot Books

Numéro de produit : 9798330097159

ISBN : 9798330097159

4,99 $

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Get the Summary of Joshua M. Brown's You Weren't Supposed to See That in 20 minutes. Joshua M. Brown, CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management, candidly examines the financial world in You Weren't Supposed to See That (2024), offering insights that are often overlooked, avoided, or even concealed from investors. He explores the evolving landscape of investing, highlighting the shift from active to passive management and the impact of technology and automation. Brown also details his personal journey from cold caller at a dubious brokerage to respected financial advisor...