Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Robinson crusoe

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Robinson crusoe

Par :

Collection : Classics illustrated

Editeur : First Classics

Numéro de produit : 9781620280751

ISBN : 9781620280751

4,49 $

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* Prix en dollar canadien. Taxes et livraison en sus.

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Daniel Defoe has woven a fantastic tale of the adventures of Robinson Crusoe, a young lad form the City of York in England who yearns for the life of the sea. His father wants Robinson to attend law school and get a good education, but Robinson decides otherwise. Follow Robinson as he survives pirates, shipwrecks and cannibals.

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From its beginnings in the 1940's to today, Classics Illustrated continues to encourage a love of reading and adventure in youthful minds through beautifully-illustrated comic book adaptations of the world's most beloved stories by the world's greatest authors.

A collection of Classics Illustrated books is an inviting start to any young person's library.

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