Librairies Boyer Ltée.

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Par : Sanita Fejzi?

Collection : Étagère tout-terrain

Editeur : Bouton D'Or Acadie

Numéro de produit : 9782897501860

ISBN : 9782897501860

4,99 $

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* Prix en dollar canadien. Taxes et livraison en sus.

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Two mothers, a son, a world full of love. No, my son doesn't have a father! From the delivery room to the classroom, a woman whose motherhood is questi oned explains: her son doesn't have a father, but he's got two moms. She is the other mother. A (m)other, but there was only room for one on the birth certificate. In the minds of some adults and kids, however, a father figure must be found. Adapted from a 2018 CBC Poetry Prize shortlisted poem, this book tells, with tenderness and accuracy, the difficulties that homoparental families face in being accepted for who they are: loving families. video link:

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