Librairies Boyer Ltée.
I'm sorry i cremated you

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I'm sorry i cremated you

Par : Jaclyn Michelle Smith

Editeur : Advantage Media Group, Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9781642259483

ISBN : 9781642259483

9,99 $

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When Life Packs a Punch, Find the Punchline

I'm Sorry I Cremated You is a heartfelt and humorous exploration of navigating the profound challenges of grief and loss, finding strength and solace in the unlikeliest of places. Jaclyn Michelle Smith, a trained social worker and HR professional, shares her deeply personal journey with wit and wisdom, offering readers a unique perspective on dealing with life's hardest moments.

What You'll Discover:

  • Finding Humor in Adversity: Laugh along as Jaclyn uses comedy, particularly improv theater, as a tool for healing and transformation.
  • Navigating Family Dynamics: Relate to the complex relationships that shaped Jaclyn's life, from her parents' intense love to the impact of generational trauma.
  • Resilience and Acceptance: Gain insights into how Jaclyn turned her story of loss into one of grace and acceptance, inspiring readers to find their own path through grief.
  • A Love Letter to the Grieving: This book is a comforting and relatable guide for Generation X, Millennials, and anyone facing the decline and death of their parents while balancing careers and personal lives.
  • Reframing Difficult Memories: Jaclyn's narrative encourages readers to look back on their own family dynamics without blame and find meaning in the good and the challenging aspects of their upbringing.

Jaclyn Michelle Smith offers a refreshingly honest and lighthearted look at the ironies of the human condition, reminding us all that laughter truly is the best medicine. Whether you're grappling with loss or simply seeking a new perspective on life's ups and downs, I'm Sorry I Cremated You is a must-read for anyone in need of a little laughter and a lot of heart.

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