Librairies Boyer Ltée.
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Woods cree stories

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Editeur : University Of Regina Press

Numéro de produit : 9780889773479

ISBN : 9780889773479

24,99 $

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Humour is not only the best medicine; it is also an exceptionally useful teaching tool. So often, it is through humour that the big lessons in life are learned--about responsibility, honour, hard work, and respect. Cree people are known for their wit, so the tales in Woods Cree Stories are filled with humour. The book includes nine stories--including Boys Get Lost, Foolishness, and Animals Become Friends--and a Woods Cree-to-English glossary. All the stories are presented in Cree syllabics, Standard Roman Orthography, and English translation and can be enjoyed by those new to the language and more advanced learners.