Librairies Boyer Ltée.
The magic of music

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The magic of music

Par :

Editeur : Books We Love Ltd.

Numéro de produit : 9780228605546

ISBN : 9780228605546

4,99 $

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Marina Standen, a celebrated pianist, comes to the small town of Otter Lake to live with her sister, Rochelle, to recover from a near-drowning after her car plunged through the ice of a frozen lake. The accident left her comatose for several months and now she suffers from amnesia and the haunting danger of suicide her doctors warned her about. She refuses to believe them. Life in a small northern Prairie town is filled with human drama. Marina struggles to recover her memory. Trent,who harbors overpowering guilt over his wife's death, vowed to remain faithful to her memory but is captivated by Marina. When Marina suggests that Sophie has some vision, life is turned upside down. An unpleasant and traumatic incident unlocks Sophie's self-inflicted punishment. She had believed she was responsible for her mother and brother's deaths. As Marina makes progress in recovering her musical memory, can she ignore Trent's love for her?Marina Standen, a celebrated pianist, comes to the small town of Otter Lake to live with her sister, Rochelle, to recover from a near-drowning after her car plunged through the ice of a frozen lake. The accident left her comatose for several months and now she suffers from amnesia and the haunting danger of suicide her doctors warned her about. She refuses to believe them. Life in a small northern Prairie town is filled with human drama. Marina struggles to recover her memory. Trent,who harbors overpowering guilt over his wife's death, vowed to remain faithful to her memory but is captivated by Marina. When Marina suggests that Sophie has some vision, life is turned upside down. An unpleasant and traumatic incident unlocks Sophie's self-inflicted punishment. She had believed she was responsible for her mother and brother's deaths. As Marina makes progress in recovering her musical memory, can she ignore Trent's love for her?

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