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The e.j. pratt symposium

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The e.j. pratt symposium

Editeur : University Of Ottawa Press

Numéro de produit : 9780776628370

ISBN : 9780776628370

12,99 $

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This work is a result of the fourth symposium in the University of Ottawa Symposia series following those on Canadian writers Grove (1973), Klein (1974), and Lampman (1975). Scholars, friends, and readers gathered on May 1-2, 1976, to discuss "Ned Pratt", otherwise known as E.J. Pratt (1883-1964), the man and the poet. The two day event featured a biographical panel led by Fred Cogswell and various papers intended to establish the literary identity of the distinguished Canadian author. Other contributors include Glenn Clever, Elizabeth Brewster, Ralph Gustafson, Carl F. Klinck, Germaine Warkentin, Peter Stevens, Peter Buitenhuis, Sandra Djwa, Peter Hunt, Agnes Nyland, Robert Gibbs, Louis K. MacKendrick, and Lila Laakso.

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