Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Days that end in y

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Days that end in y

Par :

Editeur : Scholastic Canada Ltd

Numéro de produit : 9781443124553

ISBN : 9781443124553

8,99 $

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* Prix en dollar canadien. Taxes et livraison en sus.

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Clarissa tries to find her happily-ever-after in this clever, heartfelt follow-up to Love Is a Four-Letter Word!

One summer. That's all the time it takes to set your world spinning - or so Clarissa learns. Feeling abandoned by Mattie (camp), Benji (drama school), and even Michael (babysitting), Clarissa feels even more alone when her mother tells her she's marrying Doug. This announcement gets Clarissa thinking about her father, and her search for answers leads to her stumbling upon information about the secret teenage life of her mother, and more importantly, about Bill, her absentee father.

Things get complicated when she spots a man who looks a lot like Bill. Approaching him winds up revealing a whole world of surprises that threaten to shake her image of her mother forever.

Will Clarissa be able to move beyond the past and take part in Annie's vision of the future? Happily ever after has never seemed so impossible.

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