Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Marty mcguire

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Marty mcguire

Par :

Editeur : Scholastic Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9780545388634

ISBN : 9780545388634

5,99 $

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A fun, accessible chapter-book debut from an exciting new talent--simultaneous hardcover-paperback launch!Marty McGuire would rather spend recess catching frogs in the pond than playing dress-up with the other girls in third grade. So when her teacher casts Marty as the princess in the class play, Marty's absolutely, positively sure that there's been a huge mistake. But after a special lesson in the art of improvisation, Marty comes up with her OWN plan to IMPROVE the play: Why use stuffed-animal frog onstage when a live one would be so much better? In the end, Marty's one-of-a-kind performance makes for an unforgettable show. Maybe Marty CAN live happily ever after, after all!

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