Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Hauntings and heists (the mysterious four #1)

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Hauntings and heists (the mysterious four #1)

Par :

Collection : The mysterious four

Editeur : Scholastic Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9780545388610

ISBN : 9780545388610

5,99 $

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* Prix en dollar canadien. Taxes et livraison en sus.

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Can you crack the case with six clues or less?Welcome to Moon Hollow, where mystery lurks around every corner--and four kids have come together to solve crimes and puzzles big and small.Whether they're debunking sea monsters, thwarting bullies, or revealing who threw out mom's asparagus, Viola, Sylvester, Rosie, and Woodrow will figure out the truth in six clues or less. And readers are invited to guess alongside them each step of the way.Each book comes with an exclusive code so that readers can download a FREE copy of the e-book . . . which includes an extra mystery unavailable anywhere else!

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