Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Monstrous stories #1: night of the zombie goldfish

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Monstrous stories #1: night of the zombie goldfish

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Collection : Monstrous stories

Editeur : Scholastic Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9780545510226

ISBN : 9780545510226

5,99 $

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Funny, light-hearted monster stories that are perfect for young readers, brought to us by the esteemed Dr. Roach. Judd Crank and his friend Zak are two ordinary boys, in an ordinary town, with some very ordinary goldfish. Judd never thought much about his pet fish, besides sometimes needing to feed them. But when a science experiment accidentally gets mixed in with their food, these regular pets start becoming a lot more interesting. With a series of bubbles and pops, the slimy fish start growing and changing. Then they step right out of their tank -- and begin marching towards town.

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