Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Ultimate attack (killer species #4)

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Ultimate attack (killer species #4)

Par :

Collection : Killer species

Editeur : Scholastic Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9780545662871

ISBN : 9780545662871

5,99 $

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The action-packed series by Michael P. Spradlin returns. Each book covers a genetically engineered superpredator wreacking havoc on the environment.

It's all come to this.Dr. Catalyst has had enough of Emmet Doyle's meddling. Time after time, Emmet and his friend Calvin Geaux have stepped in to ruin his plans, just when he'd released one of his genetically engineered killer species into the Florida environment.This time, Dr. Catalyst is releasing his most deadly creation yet. It's a terrifying lone hunter, bred to stalk and destroy one specific target -- Emmet Doyle.

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