Librairies Boyer Ltée.
A salmon for simon

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A salmon for simon

Par :

Editeur : Groundwood Books Ltd

Numéro de produit : 9781773065755

ISBN : 9781773065755

7,99 $

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This enhanced e-book, in celebration of Groundwood's 35th anniversary, includes a read-aloud feature of the story narrated by Graham Greene.

Simon has always longed to catch a salmon. But when his luck suddenly changes and an eagle accidentally drops one into a tidal pool, Simon is torn between sympathy for the fish and the desire to catch something of his own.

All summer long, Simon, a young First Nations boy, has been desperate to catch a salmon. He goes fishing every day, but has no luck. Then one day a high-flying eagle drops a salmon into a clam hole right before his eyes, and Simon must decide whether to take it home or let it go.

This simple story, with its evocative watercolor paintings of the Northwest Coast, was an environmental fable before its time when it was first published in 1978. But its true power rests in the magical combination of text and pictures, which have made it a best-selling classic.

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