Librairies Boyer Ltée.
The mystery of croaker's island

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The mystery of croaker's island

Par :

Editeur : Heritage House

Numéro de produit : 9781772032529

ISBN : 9781772032529

9,99 $

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A group of friends risks their lives to solve a sinister, supernatural mystery that is plaguing their otherwise-sleepy town.

Blending adventure and realism with a speculative twist, The Mystery of Croaker's Island introduces a group of unlikely friends who discover connections between a haunted island, monstrous sounds in the briny deep, vanishing cats, and teenagers disappearing in the night with no recollection of where they've been. Drawn together, the new friends become embroiled in a perilous quest to uncover the mystery. What sinister force shrouds this sleepy town, and will the kids solve the mystery before it's too late? Find out in this spook new novel from the author of the Grim Hill series.

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