Librairies Boyer Ltée.
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Surface breaks (the)

Par :

Editeur : Scholastic

Numéro de produit : L0539578

ISBN : 9781338332605

24,99 $

Disponibilité : En ligne (pour inventaire en magasin contactez-nous)
Livraison : Livraison dans 10 à 12 jours ouvrables, si disponible chez l’éditeur.

* Prix en dollar canadien. Taxes et livraison en sus.

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Deep beneath the sea, off the cold Irish coast, Gaia is a young mermaid who dreams of freedom from her controlling father. On her first swim to the surface, she is drawn towards a human boy. She longs to join his carefree world, but how much will she have to sacrifice? What will it take for the little mermaid to find her voice? Hans Christian Andersen's original fairy tale is reimagined through a searing feminist lens, with the stunning, scalpel-sharp writing and world building that has won Louise her legions of devoted fans in the UK. A book with the darkest of undercurrents, full of rage and rallying cries: storytelling at its most spellbinding.

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