Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Three little dwarfs

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Three little dwarfs

Par :

Collection : Classics illustrated junior

Editeur : First Classics

Numéro de produit : 9781620280973

ISBN : 9781620280973

3,49 $

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Once upon a time, there lived a man who had a sweet and beautiful daughter named Diane. Not far from them lived a woman and her mean and ugly daughter Agatha. Both the woman and the man thought it might be time to marry again. The man decided to try and fill his boot with water; if the boot holds the water he will marry the woman. What will this mean for tenderhearted Diane? Will she live forever with her dreadful stepmother, will she live with the three dwarfs in the woods or will Diane marry handsome Prince Richard and live happily ever after?

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Lovingly created from 1953 to 1969, Classics Illustrated Junior continues to bring joy and wonder to young children through beautifully-illustrated adaptations of the world's most beloved fairy tales and stories by the world's greatest authors.

A collection of Classics Illustrated Junior books is a great way to encourage reading and adventure in any young child.

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