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Mina the lightning dragon (dragon girls #14)

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Mina the lightning dragon (dragon girls #14)

Par : Maddy Mara

Collection : Dragon girls

Editeur : Scholastic Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9781339047126

ISBN : 9781339047126

6,99 $

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We are Dragon Girls -- hear us roar!

Mina, Hana, and Zora are returning to the Magic Forest for another epic adventure. The girls love when they get to spend time together, but it's even more special when they get to do it as Storm Dragons!

With help from her twin sister and cousin, Mina must trust her instincts and use her roar to restore the balance of the forest's lightning storms. If they have any chance to save this special place, they must outsmart the Chaos Queen before she becomes even more powerful.

Read all the books in the Storm Dragon arc!

#13: Hana the Thunder Dragon

#14: Mina the Lightning Dragon

#15: Zora the Snow Dragon