Librairies Boyer Ltée.
The circle game

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The circle game

Par :

Collection : A list

Editeur : House Of Anansi Press Inc

Numéro de produit : 9781770893368

ISBN : 9781770893368

14,95 $

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As a part of the launch of the new A List series, a curated selection of titles from Anansi's backlist featuring handsome new covers and introductions by well-known writers, comes Margaret Atwood's Governor General's Literary Award–winning The Circle Game, with an introduction by Suzanne Buffam.

The appearance of Margaret Atwood's first major collection of poetry marked the beginning of a truly outstanding career in Canadian and international letters. The voice in these poems is as witty, vulnerable, direct, and incisive as we've come to know in later works, such as Power Politics, Bodily Harm, and Alias Grace. Atwood writes compassionately about the risks of love in a technological age, and the quest for identity in a universe that cannot quite be trusted.

Containing many of Atwood's best and most famous poems, The Circle Game won the 1966 Governor General's Literary Award for Poetry and rapidly attained an international reputation as a classic of modern poetry.

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