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Summary of nathan k. lebrasseur's mayo clinic on healthy aging

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Summary of nathan k. lebrasseur's mayo clinic on healthy aging

Par : Slingshot Books

Editeur : Slingshot Books

Numéro de produit : 9798330016013

ISBN : 9798330016013

3,99 $

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Get the Summary of Nathan K. LeBrasseur's Mayo Clinic on Healthy Aging in 20 minutes. Please note: This is a summary & not the original book. Rachel, a 101-year-old Holocaust survivor, exemplifies healthy aging through a balanced diet, regular exercise, and active social engagement. Her story underscores the importance of lifestyle choices in aging well, as genetics only account for 15-25% of aging. Key factors include diet, physical activity, and social connections. Chronic inflammation, often due to poor lifestyle habits, accelerates aging...