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Proceedings of the second congress, canadian ethnology society: volume 1

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Proceedings of the second congress, canadian ethnology society: volume 1

Collection : Mercury series

Editeur : Canadian Museum Of History

Numéro de produit : 9781772821918

ISBN : 9781772821918

7,99 $

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Papers presented at the Second Annual Conference of the Canadian Ethnology Society held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in 1975 are offered in two volumes. This first volume includes those which were delivered in the "Myth and Culture" and "The Theory of Markedness in Social Relations and Language" sessions. The second contains those from the "Contemporary Trends in Caribbean Ethnology", "African Ethnology", "Anthropology in Canada", "The Crees and the Geese", "Early Mercantile Enterprises in Anthropological Perspectives" and "Volunteered Papers" sessions.