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Summary of jack posobiec & joshua lisec's unhumans

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Summary of jack posobiec & joshua lisec's unhumans

Par : Slingshot Books

Editeur : Slingshot Books

Numéro de produit : 9798330097135

ISBN : 9798330097135

4,99 $

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Get the Summary of Jack Posobiec & Joshua Lisec's Unhumans in 20 minutes. According to conservative pundit Jack Posobiec and writer Joshua Lisec, today's social upheavals are part of a long tradition of radical revolution. After reviewing nearly 250 years of far-left uprisings, Posobiec and Lisec argue that communism and socialism are tactics aimed at undermining personal rights and instigating terror. In Unhumans (2024), they contend that the left's revolutionary strategies are driven by resentment and a desire for power...

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