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Spiritual and religious journey to the québec city area

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Spiritual and religious journey to the québec city area

Par : Siham Jamaa

Collection : Digital ulysses lifestyle ebook

Editeur : Guides De Voyage Ulysse

Numéro de produit : 9782765832331

ISBN : 9782765832331

1,99 $

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Discover the spiritual and religious sites of the Québec City area with this chapter taken from the Ulysses Guide to Spiritual and Religious Journeys in Québec.

This tour focuses on the religious and spiritual character of the area around Québec City. You will experience the charms of Île d'Orléans and discover the soul of the First Nations on the Wendake reserve, in a journey through the beauty and authenticity of the region's spiritual past and present.

In full colour and lavishly illustrated with magnificent photos, this chapter includes detailed descriptions of each sacred site, as well as thematic sidebars for additional information. Practical details are provided for each site, including contact information, admission and opening hours. The chapter also features a precise map showing the itinerary and the location of each site and attraction.

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