Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Summary: sales growth

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Summary: sales growth

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Editeur : Must Read Summaries

Numéro de produit : 9782511024201

ISBN : 9782511024201

5,99 $

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The must-read summary of Thomas Baumgartner, Homayoun Hatami and Jon Vander Ark's book: "Sales Growth: Five Proven Strategies from the World's Sales Leaders".

This complete summary of the ideas from Thomas Baumgartner, Homayoun Hatami and Jon Vander Ark's book "Sales Growth" highlights that today's market place clearly requires companies to be very good at selling. In their book, the authors explain that the leading U.S. and European companies would create greater value if they focused more on creating sales growth rather than achieving productivity improvements or greater operational efficiency. This summary will teach you the importance of sales and how they are the key to success.

Added-value of this summary:
• Save time
• Understand key concepts
• Expand your business knowledge

To learn more, read "Sales Growth" and discover why you should start focusing your energy on increasing sales!