Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Nobody looks that young here

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Nobody looks that young here

Par :

Editeur : Guernica Editions

Numéro de produit : 9781771832526

ISBN : 9781771832526

9,95 $

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This is Currie Township, Southwestern Ontario, where roads crumble, barns rot, jobs erode, marriages suffocate, and kids like Mike Carrion find themselves adrift in it all, scratching their way to adolescence before they either knuckle down or get out of here and never look back. Beginning with the Friday night car crash years before Mike was born, the 17 stories in Nobody Looks That Young Here follow the Carrion family and Currie Township in Mike's words and those of his parents, friends, and others who've already left for the city, well aware of what becomes of the people who don't.

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