Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Stir it up: a novel

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Stir it up: a novel

Par :

Editeur : Scholastic Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9780545389358

ISBN : 9780545389358

6,99 $

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A Trinidadian-American girl's dream is challenged by her familyThirteen-year-old Anjali's life is rich with the smell of curry from her parents' roti shop and an absolute passion for food. More than anything, Anjali wants to be a chef who competes on a kids' cooking reality TV show. But Anjali must keep her wish a secret from her family, who thinks Anjali's passions are beneath her. Thank goodness for Deema, Anjali's grandmother, whose insight and love can push past even the oldest family beliefs. Woven with recipes that cook up emotions and actual culinary recipes that make food, this novel is as delicious as it is satisfying.

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