Librairies Boyer Ltée.
The haunted castle (geronimo stilton #46)

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The haunted castle (geronimo stilton #46)

Par :

Collection : Geronimo stilton

Editeur : Scholastic Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9780545393614

ISBN : 9780545393614

6,99 $

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More than 18 million Geronimo Stilton books in print!I was just minding my business at home when I got a telephone call. It was my uncle Samuel S. Stingysnout, inviting the whole Stilton family to creepy, faraway Penny Pincher Castle for a big surprise. Moldy mozzarella -- I'm not much of a traveling mouse, and I hate surprises. But Thea, Trap, and Benjamin were going, so I couldn't say no. I could tell this was going to be one super-spooky trip!

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