Librairies Boyer Ltée.
A very capable life

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A very capable life

Par :

Collection : Our lives: diary, memoir, and letters

Editeur : Athabasca University Press

Numéro de produit : 9781897425428

ISBN : 9781897425428

24,99 $

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Written in his mother's unique voice, John Leigh Walters pushes the boundaries of memoir in A Very Capable Life, the extraordinary journey of a seemingly ordinary woman.Zarah Petri was a child when her family left Hungary to establish a new life in Canada in the 1920s. With courage and innovation, Zarah and her family survived the Depression?even if it meant breaking the law to do so. In celebrating Zarah Petri, A Very Capable Life pays homage to all "ordinary" women of the early twentieth century who challenged society's conventions for the sake of survival.

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