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Summary of sonia purnell's just boris

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Editeur : Everest Media Llc

Numéro de produit : 9798822509153

ISBN : 9798822509153

2,99 $

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Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 Stanley's luck was so good that he did not even realize how lucky he was. He had been born lucky, and he would go on to receive free tickets, a fellowship, and a bohemian loft apartment near the Chelsea Hotel. #2 Boris's self-containment may be due in part to severe deafness. He was unable to hear what people were saying when he was young, and he feared that he might say the wrong thing. #3 Boris's placid nature was a blessing for his mother, who led a taxing, itinerant life. Stanley and Charlotte left Oxford in 1965, and Stanley was offered a job at the World Bank. They decided not to stay in England until it was time to emigrate. #4 In 1968, Stanley brought this golden life as a project director for a national policy panel on population control to an abrupt end. He had to seek alternative employment, which he quickly found. The family moved to New York in June 1969.

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