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Summary of laura mersini-houghton's before the big bang

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Editeur : Everest Media Llc

Numéro de produit : 9798822564084

ISBN : 9798822564084

3,99 $

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Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 I left Albania in 1994 for a new life in the United States. I had won a full scholarship to study at an American university. I was shocked when I received a letter congratulating me on winning a Fulbright scholarship to study advanced physics for one academic year at the University of Maryland in College Park. #2 I had always wanted to be in the world of numbers and hard sciences, and I ended up majoring in physics and math at the University of Tirana. My friends in Albania thought that doing math for fun was nuts, but once I migrated to the United States, I found myself surrounded by students who were as passionate about the subject as I was. #3 I was drawn to the big questions about the universe, and I especially liked theoretical physics and cosmology. I was accepted into the Gravitational Theory and Cosmology Group at the University of Maryland, and I learned that the odds that our universe would form in the way that it did were nearly zero. #4 I was initially drawn to the singularity theorem because it seemed so strange. It stated that if our universe has been expanding since its creation, then it must have started from a point in space of infinite energy density, which is a singularity. I didn't believe it, and I continued to dissect and analyze Penrose's reasoning.

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