Librairies Boyer Ltée.

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Collection : Orca origins

Editeur : Orca Book Publishers

Numéro de produit : 9781459810082

ISBN : 9781459810082

24,99 $

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During Diwali, Hindus, Sikhs and Jains celebrate the legends and stories that describe the triumph of good over evil and justice over oppression. Critically acclaimed author Rina Singh explores her Indian roots as she tells the Diwali stories, which remind us that eventually light will prevail over darkness.

Enriched by personal stories and spiced with festive recipes, including two by acclaimed chef, Vikram Vij, Diwali: Festival of Lights brings to life the holiday's traditions, food and rituals and takes you on a journey to see how this festival is celebrated around the world!

Diwali is the second book in the Orca Origins series, which examines how ancient traditions are kept alive in the modern world.

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