Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Haunted canada 9: scary true stories

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Haunted canada 9: scary true stories

Par :

Collection : Haunted canada

Editeur : Scholastic Canada Ltd

Numéro de produit : 9781443157117

ISBN : 9781443157117

8,99 $

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The ninth book in this bestselling and award-winning series -- now scarier than ever!

In these chilling tales, award-winning author Joel A. Sutherland takes his readers on a strange and spooky journey across Canada. In this installment, readers will learn about . . .

  • a spectral wagon master in Tofield, Alberta, who looks for workers to accompany him on his phantom wagon.
  • a travelling salesman from England who shares a room with a young artist one night in Kentville, Nova Scotia, only to discover the young man was a ghost.
  • the ghost of painter Tom Thomson, who paddles past a northern point on Canoe Lake in Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario.

Moody black-and-white illustrations and photographs enhance the hauntingly eerie read.

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