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Summary of liliuokalani's hawaii's story by hawaii's queen

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Editeur : Everest Media Llc

Numéro de produit : 9798822562011

ISBN : 9798822562011

3,99 $

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Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 I was born in 1838 near the Punch-Bowl, which was the background of the city of Honolulu. My father's name was Kapaakea, and my mother was Keohokalole. The hospital building was constructed in 1860, and very near it, on September 2, 1838, I was born. #2 The abundance of the chief was not procured by the poverty of his followers. The chief was always surrounded by hundreds of his own people, who looked to him for sustenance. #3 I was sent to the Royal School when I was four years old. It was a boarding school, the pupils being allowed to return to their homes during vacation time. The family life was made agreeable to us, and our instructors were especially concerned with teaching us the proper use of the English language. #4 I was taken from my own parents and adopted by Paki and Konia, or about two months thereafter. A child was born to Kinau. That little babe was the Princess Victoria, two of whose brothers became sovereigns of the Hawaiian people.

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