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Diy nature projects for early learners

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Editeur : Twin Sisters Digital Media

Numéro de produit : 9781620020098

ISBN : 9781620020098

9,99 $

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DYI Nature Projects for Early Learners features fun, easy-to-do activities with step-by-step directions and a detailed materials list. Young nature enthusiasts will learn about rocks, insects, leaves, clouds, pond life, seeds, flowers, stars, constellations, sand, and more! Projects include: sorting rocks and making rock creatures, observing insects, collecting leaves, making a bird feeder, observing pond life, creating a seed mosaic, and learning how flowers get water. Nature Projects for Early Learners will help develop important skills such as observing, predicting, and problem solving while stimulating a child's natural curiosity and eagerness to explore. This eBook is perfect for use at home or school.

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