Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Project valentine

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Project valentine

Par :

Collection : A homespun romance

Editeur : Books We Love Ltd.

Numéro de produit : 9781773623375

ISBN : 9781773623375

3,99 $

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When Jessica Woods decides she's going to find a home for an abandoned Great Dane, nothing will stop her. Project Valentine gets underway at the local Mall and no one wants the huge dog till an eight year old sees him. Jessica holds her breath while the little girl convinces her uncle she must have the dog. Though the uncle seems upset he does have a nice mouth and kind eyes. . .important traits for a dog owner. Karl Wagner does not need a large dog taking up a great deal of space in his well-ordered life and ruining his beautiful professionally landscaped yard. He's intrigued by the volunteer showing the dog and her determination to find the dog a good home though and willy nilly gets drawn into agreeing to his niece's scheme.

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