Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Red magic

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Red magic

Par :

Collection : Magic colors

Editeur : Bwl Publishing Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9781773626840

ISBN : 9781773626840

4,99 $

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Red-headed Caterina von Velsen, a tomboy and superb horsewoman, detests her older sister's husband-to-be. Christoph von Hagen is handsome and brave, but he is also a Casanova, a man with a reputation that stretches from his mountain manor all the way to Vienna. When Caterina's older sister dies in a riding accident only a week before the wedding, she is forced to take her place. Now Caterina belongs to the very man she believes to be "a cold-hearted rake." There is magic in Christoph's lonely mountain home, as well as in the locket Caterina's aunt gave her long ago. Misunderstandings and preconceptions hinder the coming of true love, as well as the strange attraction she feels toward her husband's magnetic, foreign horse master. Set in 18th Century Germany, RED MAGIC tells the story of a young woman's transition from rebellious girl to adored--and adoring--wife.There is magic in Christoph's lonely mountain home, as well as in the locket Caterina's aunt gave her long ago. Misunderstandings and preconceptions hinder the coming of true love, as well as the strange attraction she feels toward her husband's magnetic, foreign horse master. Set in 18th Century Germany, RED MAGIC tells the story of a young woman's transition from rebellious girl to adored, and adoring, wife.

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