Librairies Boyer Ltée.
To the ends of the earth

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To the ends of the earth

Par :

Editeur : Bwl Publishing Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9781773627755

ISBN : 9781773627755

3,99 $

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Wild and beautiful, Gwyneth Johns is a Patagonian with a scandalous past that shocks the Victorian ladies of the small pioneering town in the Valdes Peninsula. She has sworn never to let any man get close, but her resolve is weakened by handsome Spaniard, Miguel, who is not all he seems. Then, new immigrants arrive from the northeast of England. Gentle giant Rob, his younger brother Davy and the hard-drinking, amoral Matt with his young and naïve wife. Gwyneth is called upon to teach them how to be gauchos. Reluctantly, she accepts the challenge – and risks losing her life and her newfound love to the cold glaciers of the Andes.

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