Librairies Boyer Ltée.

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Par :

Editeur : Guy Saint-Jean

Numéro de produit : 9782894554982

ISBN : 9782894554982

18,99 $

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Born to a runaway teen and Iroquois Warrior, struggles to find her place, her loyalties eternally torn between two warring peoples. When the American Revolution sets the Mohawk Valley ablaze, will a young soldier's love prove strong enough to save her? Born to a runaway teen and Iroquois Warrior, struggles to find her place, her loyalties eternally torn between two warring peoples. When the American Revolution sets the Mohawk Valley ablaze, will a young soldier's love prove strong enough to save her? GENESEE is an extraordinary book about love, hardship and prejudice. It's well written and full of wonderful characters. Even though they have many differences, Genesee and Alexander are true kindred spirits. Ms. Waldron keeps you enthralled by, a little at a time, giving tantalizing tidbits of their origins. This story isn't sugarcoated, which is really refreshing. There are some instances of violence, but they're brief and handled well. Anyone who enjoys an honest, realistic story will love this one. Renee Burnette

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