Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Stacey's ex-best friend (the baby-sitters club #51)

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Stacey's ex-best friend (the baby-sitters club #51)

Par :

Collection : The baby-sitters club

Editeur : Scholastic Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9780545690447

ISBN : 9780545690447

5,99 $

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* Prix en dollar canadien. Taxes et livraison en sus.

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The hit series is back, to charm and inspire another generation of baby-sitters!

Stacey can't wait! Her best friend from New York, Laine Cummings, is coming to Stoneybrook for a whole week. She can spend a day at SMS, attend club meetings, and maybe go to the Valentine Dance.But from the minute Laine arrives, nothing goes as planned. She thinks Stacey's sleepover with her friends is childish, and can't believe Stacey's still into baby-sitting. Laine's more used to hanging out at high school parties with her fifteen-year-old boyfriend.Stacey doesn't want to lose her childhood friend, but Laine's growing up way too fast for Stacey. Is this the end of their friendship?The best friends you'll ever have--with classic BSC covers and a letter from Ann M. Martin!

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