Librairies Boyer Ltée.
Ricky vargas: the funniest kid in the world

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Ricky vargas: the funniest kid in the world

Par :

Collection : Ricky vargas

Editeur : Scholastic Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9780545530101

ISBN : 9780545530101

4,99 $

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Now's your chance to meet the funniest kid in the world!

Ricky Vargas is funny. He is so funny he can make you snort milk out of your nose...even if you're not drinking any!In three stories, Ricky manages to get carried away at the school spelling bee, ruin the class picture, and speak his own language. But don't worry, no matter what trouble Ricky finds himself in, he always knows just how to make it better--after all, who could be upset with the funniest kid in the world for long?

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