Librairies Boyer Ltée.
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Calling all creeps (goosebumps #50)

Par :

Collection : Goosebumps

Editeur : Scholastic Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9781338340303

ISBN : 9781338340303

6,99 $

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Ricky Beamer is furious when he gets kicked off the school paper, so he decides to play a joke on Tashas, the bossy editor-in-chief. Just a little joke. Harmless, really.After school one day he sticks a message in the paper. "If you're a creep call Tasha after midnight" it reads.But somehow Ricky's message gets messed up. And now he's getting calls! Strange calls from kids who say they are creeps. Creeps with scaly purple skin. And long sharp fangs...

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