Librairies Boyer Ltée.
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Can you jump like a kangaroo

Par :

Editeur : Twin Sisters Digital Media

Numéro de produit : 9781645805694

ISBN : 9781645805694

5,99 $

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* Prix en dollar canadien. Taxes et livraison en sus.

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Black and white art and bursts of color will capture baby's attention with simple pictures that encourage learning. Fun sound effects and sweet music will have little ones laughing as they listen to the simple questions: "Can you jump like a kangaroo?," "Can you sing like a birdie?," "Can you swim like a fish?," "Can you walk like an elephant?," "Can you hop like a bunny?," "Can you run like a cheetah?," "Can you swing like a monkey?," and, "Can you stand tall like a giraffe?" This fun story is a perfect introduction for babies and toddlers to learn simple directions, while encouraging early literacy and a love for reading!

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