Librairies Boyer Ltée.
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Who's a goose?

Par :

Editeur : Scholastic Inc.

Numéro de produit : 9781339032368

ISBN : 9781339032368

7,99 $

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From a barrel of monkeys to giraffes in a tower, this hilarious animal rhyming story is all about collective nouns!

If one goose is a goose, and two gooses are geese, then why is one moose a moose, but two moose aren't meese?

Learn alongside Bruce and Bill as they explore the hilarity of collective nouns!

With a rhyming text, eye-catching artwork, and plenty of laugh-out-loud moments, serious Bruce and silly Bill are two gaggling geese sure to make kids giggle! A pitch-perfect read-aloud just right for group storytime.

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